Protect local democracy
The government has proposed changes to the way local authorities in England and Wales invest their members’ pension funds. Under the plans, central government would have the power to veto investment decisions made by democratically elected local authorities.









Please sign our petition to protect local democracy

Tories attack local democracy

Matthew Hancock was in Israel when he announced that democratically elected Town Councils would be prevented from boycotting firms complicit in Israeli Apartheid.

He states “We need to challenge and prevent these divisive town hall boycotts.” So a Tory Cabinet Minister does not want to be divisive!  Can we expect a repeal of the Bedroom tax, repeal of the anti union legislation? and a repeal of the tax cuts for the super rich on the grounds that they are all divisive?  I don’t think so.

Every law is divisive.  When they passed a law stating that theft is illegal, all the thieves were discriminated against and rightly so.  When we in Palestine Solidarity say Israel has been stealing land since 1948, this is a simple statement of fact.  Israel has been using its military, economic and diplomatic muscle to oppress the Palestinians for the last seventy years.  In 2005 the bulk of Palestinian Civil Society asked us to adopt a strategy of Boycott, divestment and sanctions as a way of putting pressure on Israel to end its repression.

The demand for BDS is divisive.  On the one side stands people with compassion and solidarity for the oppressed.  On the other are the oppressors and their allies.  It was ever thus.  Cameron’s forefathers were slave owners.  Opposed to them were the slaves and the anti slavery campaigners like Wilberforce.  In the last century white supremacists ran Apartheid South Africa.  They were supported by the British and the American establishments.  The Blacks organised and resisted supported by the huge Anti Apartheid movement.  Even David Cameron says that Thatcher was wrong to have called the African National Congress terrorist and to have opposed sanctions. 

So why do they want to rob local authorities of the right to make ethical decisions? Easy, they would lose the debate.

Whether the Government has the legal power to instruct local authorities to ignore such things as reputational damage is another issue.

Supporting Sheffield PSC through 2016

Afaq Jadeeda logoSheffield PSC needs your support through 2016.

Our campaigning – on BDS, against the ridiculous ruling by the co-op bank, against the equally ridiculous and insipid declaration that PSC is a terrorist organisation, to increase awareness of the injustices suffered by Palestinian people – all these things need funds.

And so does our direct support for Palestinian people – whether through the children’s projects or the scholarship fund.

Please find out how here :  SPSC Appeal – Version 2016-2.1 and act now.

Women of Palestine: living through trauma, building resilience

northern women for plaestineJoin us for a series of events dedicated to the women of Palestine for International Women’s Day. Our theme is Women of Palestine: Living through Trauma, Building Resilience”.

Through film, music, drama, poetry, workshops, photography and women’s personal accounts, we will explore the daily trauma of life for Palestinian women. We’ll also be celebrating how they survive and thrive against all the odds – supporting each other, their families and their communities, by being politically and creatively active.

Running for a week, from Saturday 5 March Sunday 13 March, this programme has been devised by Northern Women for Palestine, a group of activists from towns and cities across the north of England committed to campaigning for justice for Palestinians.

reem in concertSat March 5 – Manchester

Sunday March 6 – Saddleworth

Tuesday March 8 – Sheffield

Thursday March 10 – York

Saturday March 12 – Bradford: Grand Finale

Sunday March 13 – Halifax: Reem Kelani in Concert

Scholarship Fund has new bank account

The Scholarship Fund has a new account as of this week – just in time before the Co-Operative Bank closed down our account.
We have opened an account with Yorkshire Building Society, They have a special ‘registered charities account’ which pays a small amount of interest. So that will only add to the amazing contributions you send to us.
These are the details of our new account:
Name: Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund
Bank: Yorkshire Building Society, Yorkshire House, Leopold Street, Sheffield S1 1RQ
Sort Code: 60 92 04
Account number: 98676538
Reference: 07
In solidarity
Sara Gowen
Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund

Blog on Syria

The core belief of Palestine Solidarity campaign is anti racism.  We hate the fact that Palestinians are denied basic rights because of their ethnicity and religion.

Everyone in SPSC opposes the oppression and murder of Kurds, Yazidis, Moslems, Christians, Jews and Parisians, by ISIS.  The question is,  will the bombing of Syria by Britain help defeat them?

What are the lessons from the Iraq war?

The JIC [Joint Intelligence Committee] assessed that al-Qaeda and associated groups continued to represent by far the greatest terrorist threat to western interests, and that threat would be heightened by military action against Iraq[i].

A report from the Ministry of Defence stated

“The war in Iraq … has acted as a recruiting sergeant for extremists across the Muslim world … Iraq has served to radicalise an already disillusioned youth and al-Qaida has given them the will, intent, purpose and ideology to act.”[ii]

Spy Chief Eliza  Manningham-Buller  stated

The Iraq war ” increased the terrorist threat by convincing more people that Osama Bin Laden’s claim that Islam was under attack was correct.”[iii]

There was a statement by the UK think tank Chatham House reported “It [Iraq War] gave a boost to the al-Qaeda network’s propaganda, recruitment and fundraising”.  This and many more references can be found here.[iv] 


Some may claim that perhaps Cameron was ignorant of these conclusions.  It is hard to claim that he was not aware of a joint statement by France, Turkey, the United States, Germany, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Britain which expressed concern that Russia’s actions would “only fuel more extremism and radicalisation”[v]That was in October.

According to the BBC a man wielding a knife attacked three people at a tube station yesterday (5th December) shouting ‘this is for Syria’.  The police have called it an act of terrorism.

Four things come out of such acts.  First is the tragedy for the innocent victims.  Secondly fear grows that any of us could be next, it makes all our lives a little sadder.  Third, the Government’s line that Moslems tolerate ideas that lead to terrorism will appear vindicated.  There will be more attacks on Moslems.  Fourth the various repressive arms of the state will descend even more on the Moslem community.

Nothing good comes of these mad acts, but the war mongers in the West helped him go mad.

What has this to do with Palestine Solidarity Campaign?  Under the ‘Prevent’ strategy children who wear PSC badges have been told that this could be extremist.  Cameron told MP’s that they should not join Corbyn and ‘a bunch of terrorist sympathisers’.

The Telegraph reported that PSC ‘has had its accounts closed down over fears that it may be inadvertently funding terrorism’.

In Sheffield, we who raise funds for modest projects, a children’s ball pool, a mobile library, and scholarships for women in Gaza are having our accounts closed under accusations of terrorist sympathies, while a factory that makes drones for use in killing people in Gaza is modern business.

We are in a battle of ideas.  We can sit back under a sea of abuse of terrorist sympathies and Islamophobia or we can campaign.

The Tory agenda is three fold – move money towards repression (and targeting the Moslem community) bombing Syria so they can be at the Imperial carve up at the end of hostilities, and using the clouds of war, hope to get away with more cuts in welfare.

I think we should oppose all three.

Right to roam 2016

Why not join us in the right to roam walk in 2016?

Children demand the right to roam as we can
Children demand the right to roam as we can

We are raising funds for:

Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund and Children’s Projects in Gaza

We will be starting this leg on April 25th  2016  where we finished last year, at Morvich; and we will be arriving at the end of our Right2Roam Walk, at John-o-Groats, on Saturday 21 May. The full itinerary is here.

Solidarity & fund raising walks along the R2R route (e.g. Bristol & Edale) are being organised for the final day

As in previous years,  there will also be a solidarity walk in Gaza, also the same day: we will all be with the people of Palestine in spirit even though they are unable to be with us.