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Support Malaka Shwaikh – sign our petition

MALAKAPossibly the worst thing a newspaper can do to a Muslim woman is to publish a picture of her under the headline “I am proud to be called a terrorist”.  This is exactly what the Mail on line has done to Malaka Shwaikh.

Ilan PappeMalaka is currrently at Exter University, studying under Ilan Pappe , a Jewish Israeli Professor; she is in no way anti-semitic. Before she moved from Sheffield, Malaka was a member of Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign.   She is an intelligent articulate active anti-racist.  

What has stirred the ire of the Pro Israeli and Zionist campaigners is that she is Palestinian, articulate and effective.

The full sentence she used was:  “If terrorism means protecting and defending my land, I am so proud to be called terrorist. What an honour for the Palestinians!”   This was said in the context of Israel’s 2014 bloody onslaught on Gaza. The wilful ripping out of part of the sentence completely misrepresents her position.

The attack on Malaka is part of a coordinated attempt to discredit pro-Palestinian campaigners. Israel has become increasingly right wing and xenophobic.  It is feted by white supremacists and Islamophobes.  Its supporters desperately hope to drown out criticism of Israel’s illegal land theft by false allegations of terrorism and anti Semitism.

If the Daily Mail’s malevolent distortion is allowed to stand Malaka’s ability to travel, to return to Gaza, and live a normal life will be made near impossible.    It will also embolden the Mail for further attacks.

What you can do

  1. Read the statement by Sheffield PSC.  
  2. Raise the issue in your place of worship, trade union or community group, classmates etc.
  3. Complain to IPSO (You will need to refer to the article here)
  4. Complain to the Daily Mail 
  5. Send a message of support to Malaka via Sheffield PSC
  6. Sign the online petition [emailpetition id=”3″] 
  7. If you are doing a paper petition, please download from here and return the completed sheets to Sheffield PSC as detailed on the document


SPSC Statement on the hate campaign against former Sheffield student Malaka Shwaikh

The Mail Online, an offshoot of the Daily Mail,  along with a some other on-line publications and abusive emails fanned by the Campaign Against Antisemitism, are currently alleging that Malaka, presently a Ph.D. student at Exeter University, under the supervision of the Israeli born Professor Ilan Pappe, is a supporter of terrorism and is antisemitic. Why, some might wonder, but clearly not the Mail or the Campaign Against Antisemtism, would an anti-Semite choose to study under a Jewish professor?  There is clearly more to this story than what Malaka’s detractors would like people to believe.


The Mail Online launched the campaign against Malaka, stating in bold letters: ‘Palestinian student, 25, tweets “I am so proud to be called a terrorist’ sparking an anti-Semitism investigation at the University of Exeter.”  The tweet, which had been hacked, was doctored. The full sentence reads:  “If terrorism means protecting and defending my land, I am so proud to be called terrorist. What an honour for the Palestinians!” Moreover, this was said in the context of Israel’s 2014 bloody onslaught on Gaza.  A reference by her to the Holocaust was similarly distorted by not reporting her tweet stating that it was a horrific crime.

But the full malevolence of distorting her tweets in order to suggest that their author is not only a terrorist sympathiser but an anti-Semite only becomes evident in the light of Malaka’s political

activism.   As well as being a proud Palestinian committed to justice for her people, she is also a principled opponent of all forms of racism. She recently helped to organise a march at Exeter University to protest against swastikas and ‘Rights for Whites’ slogans daubed on walls in halls of residence.

The attack on Malaka is part of a coordinated attempt to discredit pro-Palestinian campaigners. Malaka, herself, had been subjected to earlier smear campaigns when she was a student at Sheffield University. As Israel has become increasingly rightwing and xenophobic, feted by white supremacists and Islamophobes,  its supporters desperately seek to regain public sympathy by accusing its critics of anti-Semitism and terrorist sympathies. It will not work.  Israel’s record is there for all to see and Palestinian activists and the solidarity movement will continue to grow in numbers and in effectiveness as they have over the past three decades.

We, in Sheffield, know Malaka well from the period that she spent in the city as a student. We condemn her vilification and fully support her stand against it.

Read Malaka’s full statement, read Mondoweiss article here:

Kholoud Al Ajarma at benefit meal Sheffield 28th Jan

Kholoud+Al+AjarmaKholoud Al Ajarma is a Palestinian refugee from Aida Camp, Bethlehem and is coming to Sheffield next week to speak to us about her experience of working with refugees.
She has lots of experience working with young refugees, encouraging them to speak out and assert their rights. She worked in the Lajee Centre, Aida Camp, and in other camps across the West Bank developing programmes for the youngsters, particularly in media and photography. She has travelled with the Lajee dancers on international tours and acted as compere, giving voice very strongly to the political significance of dance, an act of cultural resistance to occupation and oppression.
She’s a great speaker and knows the value of Children’s Centres, the cause we’re promoting in this Benefit– come and meet her


Events to look forward to in 2017

Already Sheffield PSC is planning a full calendar for 2017. You can get an overview here. When more details are available they will be published on our events page.

Don’t forget first Saturday of every month: boycott HP action. January action details here



International week of action in Sheffield and everywhere…


HP knowingly provides technology that enables Israel’s denial of freedom of movement for Palestinians living under its occupation regime — from checkpoints to illegal settlements to prisons to the devastating blockade of 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The BDS movement is poised to send a powerful message to HP with more than 90 actions planned worldwide during this Week of Action.

anti Hewlett Packard action location

In Sheffield today a great rally outside John Lewis and singing from the Sheffield socialist choir







hewlett packard harms palestinians

Not long till Cinema Palestino

Sheffield’s cinema Palestino film season has been a fixture for 8 years now. This year we are showing 3000 Nights, an award winning film set in a Israeli women’s prison  contratsing the britality of her treatment with the care given to new life and community

We are also showing a documentary by Hind Shoufani about her father, Elias Shoufani, academic, activist and exile. Winner of Best Non-European Documentary at the European Independent Film Festival, Paris  this film is a personal, poetic and political archive and interview journey to discover family history.

More about these films is here;


Buy our 2017 right to roam calendar

Front page of the right to roam calendar

Calendars are £5 to individuals and £3 to branches. P&P is £1/calendar.

To buy a calendar:

we will have them on sale at all our events  or

if you are ordering on behalf of a branch please fill in this form (pdf) or this one (Word format) and send with a cheque to Sheffield PSC, 118 Upperthorpe, S6 3NF 

If you are an indivudal please complete this form (pdf) or this form (in Word format) with a cheque to Sheffield PSC, 118 Upperthorpe, S6 3NF