Category Archives: Cultural event

Mandla Mandela at SADACCA despite being denied entry to the UK

Mandla Mandela attended a meeting via zoom at SADACCA. Over 250 people attended a very successful and vibrant event. This zoom is available here.

Below is a statement from Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid on the denial of entry to the UK.


We deeply regret to announce that Mandla Mandela has been prevented from traveling to the UK. He will be addressing, therefore, tonight’s meeting at Sadacca via Zoom.

British officials had initially told him that his South African government passport did not require a visa to enter the UK. However, on Monday, Mandla was informed that he did require a visa. So far, despite high level approaches from senior ANC figures, the British embassy has not relented or issued a visa. As a result, he was unable to catch his plane yesterday. By contrast, the Irish authorities have waived the visa requirement for him.

This is not the first occasion that pro-Palestinian speakers from abroad have been obstructed from addressing audiences in this country. We will make every effort to have Mandla come to Sheffield in the near future but tonight’s meeting with him will go ahead. We will not allow expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people to be silenced.

We very much hope that you will still come to hear what Mandla has to say.
10TH October 2024

Actions 30th and 31st August and 1st September

Saturday 1 September is the rescheduled date for this event

Join us in a show of Sheffield unity ❤️

We’re inviting local families to come together for a picnic to show unity in our community! ✊🏽✊🏿✊🏼

A relaxed gathering where everyone is welcome. Bring a picnic / snack and come for a chat, or just play 🛝⚽🪁

We’ll have a creative kid-friendly activity along with a selection of story books on themes including #antiracism, diversity & inclusion and migrant voices 📚

Please share far and wide, let’s make this a huge show of Sheffield’s love, friendship and solidarity for one another 💓

Actions for the weekend 16th 17th 18th August

4pm Sunday 18th August – Showroom Cinema

GAZA SURF CLUB (rated 18)

(Ages 18-26: £5 with photo ID)

Book tickets via

Ibrahim, an industrious 23-year-old is in love with surfing and wants to go to Hawaii, to learn more about the industry and the craft of making boards for gifted and enthusiastic surfing friends including Sabah, a 15 year old young woman.

The boards they have are home-made and fragile.

Ibrahim has already been rejected five times for a visa and has spent thousands of dollars in the process, continuing to surf until finally …


Stay for a Q&A after the film with young people from Sheffield’s Palestinian community.

Sheffield’s Big Weekend for Palestine

Fri 19th

  • 4.30pm Banner drop, Ponds Forge
  • 5pm Rally, Train station

Sat 20th – Big Ride for Palestine – registration via closes today!

  • 8.45am Cyclists assemble, Tudor Square
  • 5.15pm ‘Short ride’ join cyclists at Wellbeing Centre S9 3TU to ride together to city centre
  • 5.45pm End of ride rally, Barkers Pool

Sat 20th 12pm – The People’s Graduation for Palestine Students’s Union S20 2TG

Sat 20th – Cinema Palestino Showroom

  • 12.45pm Foraging walk
  • 2pm Palestinian film: ‘The Foragers
  • 3.45pm Foraging walk

Sat 20th Gigs Fundraising for Gaza

Sun 21st – Sheffield Transformed Festival SADACCA

  • From 10.30am

Sheffield Remembers The Nakba in 2024

An inspiring march and rally on Saturday May 11th as Sheffield remembers the Nakba and stands with Palestinians as the attacks on Rafah intensify.

Below is a great summary of the Nakba and its meaning today, taken from a speech by long time activist for justice in Palestine, Paul Kelemen, at our rally in Sheffield on Saturday May 2024.

This year’s Nakba Day has a special meaning, a special significance:

  • Palestinians are again subjected to ethnic cleansing and mass murder; 
  • We are again seeing unarmed Palestinians fleeing on foot and on carts, in the face of savage bombardments, just as they as they were forced to do from Dec 1947 to the first few months of 1949.

Then, as now, the Palestinian resistance had to fight without much support from the neighbouring states.  In Zionist mythology it is said that the Zionist militias had to withstand 5 Arab armies.  

The truth is that the neighbouring Arab states led by Western stooges made largely token gestures at fighting to placate their own public. The King of Jordan, the only leader with a serious military clout had an army run by British officers. He made a deal with the  Zionists to carve up Palestine, which is what the British wanted. 

After the 1948, it became the standard defence for Israel to claim that it had to be established because Jewish people could find safety only by having their own state.

It is true, that the during the rise of fascism the so called liberal democracies did not want to open their doors to large numbers of persecuted Jewish people.  But people who seek refuge don’t become colonisers merely by taking refuge in another country – instead they settle down amongst the people living in that place.  

It was the Zionist movement which turned the Jewish people who went to Palestine into colonisers, by recruiting them into a project which involved Jewish immigrants being given land taken from the Palestinians and being given jobs and resources that were denied to the Palestinians.  

The same colonisation process is now being implemented in the West Bank and it is also the goal that Israel is pursuing in Gaza.  By reducing Gaza to rubble, by making it unliveable, Israel is hoping to push out its population.  

The Naqba has never ended.

Although there are haunting parallels between Israel’s current genocide and the 1948 massacres and expulsion, there is also a very important difference.  

In 1948, there were no public protests at the expulsion of 750,00 Palestinians.  

In Western countries, it barely registered on public consciousness.  In the UK, no political party or organisation spoke out for the Palestinians.  To give but one example. Prior to 1948, Labour party conferences had passed 11 resolutions in support of the Zionist movement. They mostly repeated the Zionist argument that Jewish settlement would also benefit the Palestinians. 

In the autumn of 1949, as the traumatised Palestinian refugees were sheltering in refugee camps some under tents but most under trees, with little to eat or drink, the Labour Party had its annual conference.  About the destruction of Palestine, not a single word was uttered at the conference.  

It is not an exaggeration to say that for about 20 years after Israel’s establishment in 1948, in Western countries, the Palestinians were forgotten.  Their ethnic cleansing was covered up by thick layers of mythology about Israel finding a barely populated land. 

In this respect there is a fundamental difference between the lack of an international response to the Nakba, and the popular mobilisation on the side of the Palestinians against Israel’s current genocidal war.  Completely unexpectedly to Israel and its allies, this has opened up a second front in the Palestinian struggle. 

Some of the most significant anti-colonial struggles in the past century, as in Kenya, in Algeria and in Vietnam were won because the moral authority of the coloniser collapsed. And it collapsed in the imperial centres as well as globally because of the resistance of the colonised but also because of the international protest movements which that resistance provoked.  

A sure sign of this happening now, is that the likes of Biden, Sunak and Starmer are now desperately trying to recover the moral high ground, by feigning concern over Israel’s attack on Rafah.  

But even as they make great play of their concern, they continue to supply Israel with weapons, to demonise the Palestinian resistance and to accuse us, who refuse to turn a blind eye to genocide, of being motivated by racism.

 The truth is that it is their racism that has been exposed. They incite hatred against migrants and pretend to shed tears over Ukrainians to expand NATO to Russia’s border, but they believe that massacring Palestinians is something we should quietly accept.

In contrast to the total moral bankruptcy of Western leaders, the people of Gaza have kept their unity.  In the midst of the grief, the stress and the shortages, they might have turned against each other. They have not.  

In military terms, the Palestinians cannot match the most advanced US, German and British weaponry supplied to the IDF, but they do not have to win on the battlefield.  

They and the international solidarity movement can and are winning the political battle.  

There is a long struggle ahead but after 76 years the political tide has turned. The task for us, is to make British complicity with Israel into a mainstream political issue and to build a powerful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign. 

That is the least we owe to Palestinians in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Israel, in exile here among us and around the world

 who have continued fighting for their people’s liberation 

They have demonstrated that the Westen imperial order can be defied and discredited and that there are people everywhere willing to join the fight to defeat racism and colonialism. 

International Women’s Day: Solidarity Camp, 8th March

Following on from our other justice now camps, there will be camp a further Peace and Justice Now Camp in order to celebrate International Women’s Day to stand in solidarity with Palestinian Women.

Please join us :

Sheffield Peace Gardens on Friday 8th March between 3pm and 8pm

  • 2.45 establish our ‘Peace & Justice Now’ Camp in Peace Gardens
  • From 3pm: Decorating the ‘Peace & Justice Now’ Camp….
  • Activities for children & adults with Sheffield Creative Action for Peace (including making Birds of Gaza)
  • 3.30pm Tadhamon Solidarity Choir
  • 4pm Students arrive, marching from campus with their Birds of Gaza
  • 4.15pm Sahar & Lena, with Janet & June: song for children killed in Gaza:
  • Yoma mweil el hawa.
  • 4.45 – 5pm: poetry and song from Seni Seneviratne, inc poems by Hiba Abu Nada – a poet who was killed with her son in October
  • 5 pm Reading by Sahar of ‘The Shawl of Grief’
  • 5.15-6pm Open session: Contributions from women & girls of song & poetry for Palestine welcomed, especially a poem from 11 year old Amna Khan.
  • 6pm Light up the Peace Gardens: Bring night lights/candles & flags
  • 6.30pm Special guest from Gaza: Dr Mona El Farrah
  • And Health Workers for Palestine Vigil
  • 7.30 – 8pm Singing and close of camp

Please circulate these flyers