Sheffield #justicenowcamp Day 5

A cold and miserable start with rain leaving little else to do but play games at 3am. Spot the ball?

As day broke, Sahar was on Radio Sheffield breakfast having been interviewed yesterday:

But still it is clear that the media are largely silent and the Sheffield MPs and councillors are largely absent (notwithstanding the welcome visit from exceptional Labour councillors on Sunday and Green councillors on Monday)

In view of this we received a statement (see below) from Sahar’s and Lena’s daughters and sent it to the council leader, Tom Hunt (and all Sheffield MPs).

Marching to Snig Hill police station

The result was he and Fran Belbin, the deputy leader, went on the march to Snig Hill Police station where a delegation handed in names of seven UK citizens who have joined the IDF in contravention of the Foreign Enlistment Act and possible complicity with war crimes. One of these is Zecharia Deutsch who is still chaplain at Sheffield University, bizarrely in spite of fighting a war on Palestinian people

Statement on lack of action from the council

Our mothers are camping in the bitter cold and one is currently on hunger strike demanding a voice and action from Sheffield City Council , and MPs,  in the face of the ongoing genocide, massacre, and ethnic cleansing the Palestinian people are facing. They have now been camping outside Town Hall for 4 nights, yet there have been no official visits to discuss their call on Sheffield City Council to declare itself an Israeli Apartheid Free City. 

We ask- surely this would be in Sheffield’s great tradition of protest? Considering Sheffield was the first city of sanctuary and the first to declare itself a South African apartheid free zone …why are Palestinians and their plight for freedom and justice not met with the same acts of solidarity and support?”

Dima Ashlami (daughter of Sahar) and Nada Mufli (daughter of Lena)

Late in the afternoon, the flavour of the day was boycott it seemed as everyone was framed with the not in my fridge frame, even the dog!