Fri 19th
- 4.30pm Banner drop, Ponds Forge
- 5pm Rally, Train station
Sat 20th – Big Ride for Palestine – registration via closes today!
- 8.45am Cyclists assemble, Tudor Square
- 5.15pm ‘Short ride’ join cyclists at Wellbeing Centre S9 3TU to ride together to city centre
- 5.45pm End of ride rally, Barkers Pool
Sat 20th 12pm – The People’s Graduation for Palestine Students’s Union S20 2TG
Sat 20th – Cinema Palestino Showroom
- 12.45pm Foraging walk
- 2pm Palestinian film: ‘The Foragers’
- 3.45pm Foraging walk
Sat 20th Gigs Fundraising for Gaza
- 7pm Heartsong singers, St. Andrews URC S1 2JB
- 7.30pm Free Radicals, Broomhall Centre
Sun 21st – Sheffield Transformed Festival SADACCA
- From 10.30am